Young people have great potential, but they don't always have the chance to realize it. That's why our message is "youth NOW, not resources for the FUTURE"
Interkultura is against any kind of discrimination. We provide a safe place where everyone feels welcome and treated equally. OPEN YOUR MIND!
Ecology and the protection of the environment are increasingly becoming a priority in order not to accelerate climate change and to give nature a chance to take care of our health.
Organization for cultural cooperation INTERKULTURA was founded at the end of 1997 and was officially registered in 1998. The main goal of the organization is the promotion of youth work, through non-formal education, as well as the promotion of the culture of all ethnic communities living in Macedonia.
Find out moreПотенцијалот на младите се развива преку различни интереси и користење на различни настани – културни, спортски, креативни и слично. Преку нив младите ја развиваат меѓусебната комуникација, ги развиваат врските меѓу нив, ги дискутираат проблемите и изнаоѓаат начини за нивен поуспешен живот.
Find out more…I had the opportunity to learn and gain
experience and skills in various areas such as youth activism, youth involvement in
community, project management and project implementation...
…I have strengthened mine
knowledge and skills in the field of youth work and team work. My acquired knowledge, skills and abilities now help me in making contacts, realizing my goals and ideas and working with the people around me.
Interculture gave me the opportunity to participate in international projects where, in addition to getting to know young people from other countries and cultures, I gained skills and knowledge that contributed to my personal development, and I still use them at work today.